Greater Vail Community Resources (“ReSources”) began in 2016 as a grassroots response to the need for a regional food bank, but it could not have incorporated without the vision and hard work of many local leaders. When the “land between the tracks” on Colossal Cave Road was acquired by the Vail School District, then superintendent, Mr. Cal Baker, convened a group of Vail stakeholders to deliberate its best use. As a result, what had been a feed store became the Vail Depot Thrift Store, and a modular building toward the rear of the property became Resources Vail Food Bank. The concept was simple: operate a boutique thrift store and combine its proceeds with food and monetary donations to support the work of the food bank. The most important ingredient was (and still is) the dedicated work of volunteers and a volunteer board of directors.
Since its beginnings, ReSources has expanded its food bank programs and occasionally engages in short term service initiatives as approved by the board of directors. It is assisted in its mission by the Vail School District, corporate partners, local retailers, wholesalers, restaurants and faith-based organizations.